Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Angel Face

Angel Cat

I have been surrounded by pets most of my life, usually cats. My mom is not an animal person, so all the various cats and dogs have been outside pets. Since I grew up in the country in the middle of nowhere, that wasn't a problem. We had fish, rodents, rabbits, dogs and cats; so it wasn't a surprise that as soon as I had a place of my own there would be pets of some sort to keep me company. I started out with one cat, a devious crabass with black fur and a pointy, siamese face. He was a pain in the ass, but I loved him, I even loved the tricks he would play on me. He had that superior cat face down pat. Stinker, I miss him. He just disappeared one day, to torment someone else, or to die quietly somewhere, I don't know. Before Domino did the houdini, I brought home Angel to join us. Domino was less than thrilled. He regularly tried to fling her off the loft railing, and stomped her ass every chance he got. She took it all in stride and continues to take everything in stride, mostly because she's not the brightest crayon in the box. She is the prettiest, though. I've always been her favorite person, though she has more than enough love to go around and she doesn't hesitate to give it to anyone visiting us.

How can you resist this face?

Pretty Angel Face
How she came into my life is an interesting story....I dated a boy for nine years and we lived together for a few of those years. His divorced dad met a woman on the internet, spoke to her for months and fell in love. The catch was she lived in the Ukraine...after months of red-tape and visits (he traveled to the Ukraine a couple of times before they tied the knot), he went for the last time to bring her and her son here to live, with their very pregnant cat in tow. Angel is one of those kittens. So, I have a foreign kitty...and boy was that obvious at first. Larissa spoke to the cats in Ukrainian and she didn't seem to understand english at first or how to speak kitty english. (She made these funny squeaking noises instead of the normal meows for her first few weeks with us.) After about the fifth time Domino had tried to fling her off the loft railing she had figured it out and gave him hell in a language he could understand. Since then, you would never know unless I told you. We have been buddies years now.


Sarah said...

yeah but she doesnt like me and i just dont know why grrr

Anonymous said...

As a fellow cat lover... she's is beautiful!! I have two of my own and love them to pieces... I won't let them outside for the simple fact that I don't want them to go missing!

Thanks for the compliment on my glasses and for the visit! Come back anytime....

(I was reading your Windows Live Blog... did you ever figure out your physical ailement thingy...???)