Sunday, April 22, 2007


So, my HCG levels have practically bottomed baby. After a day and a half of tears and soul searching, I think I'm ok about it. My body still thinks its pregnant, which is the hardest part to deal with. I thought most of it may have been in my imagination until I met a friend for lunch today and she exclaimed, "Good God, what's going on with your BOOBS!!" So, yeah, they are definitely bigger. Damnit. Now, I guess I just wait for my body to get with the program and go back to normal. I'm due for my period this week....keeping my fingers crossed. I know that no one is really reading this, but it helps to say it out loud, I think I'm going to take my nurse's advice and take advantage of the counseling services on campus. I just think that talking out the events of the last few months with someone objective could be helpful. I still don't know why I was getting positives on the HPT tests I was taking...if anyone does read this, please be careful with First Response Early Results Home Pregnancy tests. They can read hormone levels way below what even their website will tell you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bri - coming to check out your blog after your nice support on mine. :) I have had 2 miscarriages - one at 7 weeks and one very difficult one at 11 weeks. Hang in there!